Our services.

Divorce & Separation

We will help you to affect a smooth transition from one household to two households following separation; addressing immediate concerns to provide the security and certainty you need at this vulnerable time. This includes ensuring you have your urgent financial needs met, deciding who will live in the family home and when children will spend time with each parent.

De-Facto Relationships

We can assist you to restructure your assets following breakdown of a de facto relationship. De facto relationships are increasingly common, however the resolution of financial arrangements after the breakdown of these relationships can be more involved, due to the need to prove the existence of a de-facto relationship.

Parenting Arrangements

We can help you make appropriate arrangements for your children, tailored to the needs of your family and taking into consideration issues such as children with high-needs, psychological and physical abuse, drug, alcohol and other addictions. We will work with you to re-establish trust in the other parent to be able to move forward and enjoy the mutual benefit of a healthy co-parenting relationship.

Property Settlement

We will help you to structure commercial financial settlements that allow both of you the freedom to move on with your lives. We can help you achieve a fair and equitable division of assets, even when the other party tries to hide or dispose of assets. In doing so we can act quickly to protect remaining assets using injunctions, if necessary.

Financial Agreements

We can assist you in protecting the assets that you inherit or bring into the relationship by collaboratively negotiating financial agreements, both before the commencement of the relationship and/or during the relationship or marriage.

Child Support

We can assist you to negotiate and formalise private child support agreements that provide you with the comfort of knowing your children can stay at their private school and that their medical costs will be covered.

Family Violence

We can advise you how family violence affects and impacts parenting and property matters following family breakdown. We liaise with the Police and other agencies to ensure that relevant information is available to decision makers who are determining appropriate arrangements.

Grandparents & Third Parties

We can help you protect family wealth from unrealistic claims. We can also help grandparents who are not spending any or sufficient time with their grandchildren be able to re-establish close and loving relationships with them.

International Law

We can assist clients living overseas or those with assets overseas understand which country to commence proceedings in when your relationship breaks down. We can also help when the other parent has unlawfully removed or retained children overseas or if you want to achieve your goal of relocating without compromising your children’s relationship with the other parent.

Collaborative Law

We can help you to resolve your matter holistically, with dignity and avoiding court using the collaborative law process. In the Collaborative process, you and your partner control the result, the timing and the costs. 


We can help keep your case away from court by reaching a consensus agreement behind closed doors. Our Accredited Specialist Family Lawyers will advocate for you and your family’s needs in parenting and property mediations. We can also act as the Mediator, to assist parties and their chosen lawyers to resolve disputes.

Court Proceedings

We will represent you through contested court proceedings, guiding you each step of the way, supporting you through the process and finally bringing an end to the dispute.

We are eternally grateful for your continued dedication, professionalism and expertise. Thank you for making our situation far more manageable and hopeful under your skillful guidance.”

— Dave & Priscilla - former clients

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